Friday, October 10, 2008

Railroaded by Purple

Purple for a long, long, time has been the secret color of militant hostile homosexual agenda and has been the conveniently the chosen color of commuter rails the last 10 years at least in first queer marriage state MA. We have metaphorically been railroaded. Massachusetts was targetted and now their immorality is now imposed on us. Purple flowers now hug the Mass pike for approximately 50 miles upon entrance from CT. Psychologically the militants are trying to use subtle tricks to sooth the minds of people to make them more friendly to their agenda. However they may win the battle...but at what cost? They wont have a country to enjoy their deathstyles anymore - you have Gods word - on it which is bedrock of our society up until 1962. Our founding fathers believed a nation would be judge in this life, while people the next. Either way the "community" has a hopeless future. You have God's Word on it.

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