Thursday, October 23, 2008

The Stones Cry Out

It is remarkable to witness in the last 150 years what is known as the golden age of archaelogy. Coincidentally, the bible has gone under what is known as higher criticism in same time period. This is basically a higher test of scripture's authenticity not given to any other work of antiquity. As a result many denominations have stopped believing the word of God is living and active, and get into making sermons based upon ones ability to obfuscate a simple truth it would seem. Yet in last 125 years as Jesus said if you tried to silence the bible the stones would cry out and they have indeed verifying the bible again and again. Its also funny that Darwin said the fossil record would bear him out yet in this age of archaelogy the fossil record is an embarassment to evolutionary theory and necessitates it to become a faith or religion.

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