Sunday, October 26, 2008

No where to run

Yes i think USA will collapse until a dictator takes over. Democracies do not last long because people get selfish at the end and only vote in politicians who will pay them back until financially we are broken. A Democracy, particularly one that has intellectually driven out God, will collapse - our fathers believed this - yet God is still in America. Our standard of living will be decimated and untold evil acts will take place - but where do i run? All i have had up to now is God, I believe he teaches us what will happen, he teaches us we will be protected from his wrath at end times. The rapture may save us christians here in usa from world crisis. It may not. Sunday in many places doesnt care much for God - we pay lipservice to him - as we watch football. The rapture must be soon because of all the ongoing problems that are unsolvable. The bible teaches that we will be forced to livve under a one world government due to our needs. A world dictator will arise from roman people but probably is a Jew too and he will be accepted by Israel as deliverer. The wall street banks and other usa have basically robbed the Fed - yet they wont lend to citizens at same rate - so therefore consumers cannot spend at same rate leading to businesses loosing business and to layoffs and to less money for consumers to spend...did patriots win? We have no where to run - its not that we wish Jesus would come for us now but we need him to - please God come now (maranatha). Adictator im afraid will see in america too many people who are dependent on drugs to keep their themselves alive and since he will not be dependent on their votes he will not need to keep them alive and will suspend many services - helping to solve health care crisis.

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