Saturday, October 4, 2008

Obama will say anything

He is most liberal of all senators...more liberal than Hillary, Feinstein, Kerry or Kennedy. 4 years ago he said he knew he didnt have experience to run for Presidency so now he does? He continually has to have his handlers remake his statements for him showing his inexperience to all. He will silence free speach with reinstatement of Fairness Doctrine which will shut down conservative talk shows and is a threat to christian radio as the Dems have been caught lusting to silence on Cspan. He has yet to show his birth certificate, how can he even be considered a candidate? He has muslim background and ties to anti american terrorist groups like weathermen where he launched his political career with his friend. If he was not black he would never have gotten this far, not even close. He never would have gotten into Columbia if he were white. He doesnt even know how many states there are in nation. He cant think of when asked what programs he would cut. He will be if elected forced to deal with Iran's problem of nukes. He wants to sit down with Amdemajihad then has handlers change his statement. He has a deep voice and looks good but is only a good speaker when speaking from a script...extemporaneously he doesnt know the issues. The protest at his rallies were all fakes and the stories of people taking down his signs were lies.

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