Monday, October 6, 2008

Jesus said to watch the signs - don't be blind

Reasons why i think End is Near
1 Bible prophecy
2 World is upside down
3 Nuclear War
4 Israel's rebirth
5 Roughly 6000 years of time
6 Economic crisis
7 One world Government is needed
8 200 million man Army in China alone
9 People are lost loving everything but God
10 Satan working overtime with Rock n Roll etc
11 Iran wants to wipe out Israel.
12 USA is declining
13 Euro has advanced
14 1 in 8 people are Christians
15 Napoleans words about Armageddon
16 MacCarthurs words about the Next WWIII
17 Church age nearing completion
18 Persecution of Rapture position

1 comment: said...

I like your list and I agree with most of it. I think Jesus Christ is definitely coming soon, probably in the lifetimes of most people alive today.

I think two things that are most important are the facts that we are near the end of 6,000 years of human history, and what Bible prophecy predicts for the United States. The United States is definitely declining in just about every way, and this is something that prophecy predicts will happen before the end of this age. But you have to know how the United States is identified in the Bible. The Bible does not mention the term, "United States", but it does have something to say about our anscestors, and prophecies about what will happen to them near the end of the age apply to the United States today.