Friday, October 3, 2008

Economy on Steroids. 2008 Economic Ponzi Scheme.

The problem of the economy is this. Everyone benefitted from high real estate prices. Everyone wanted more and more. Governments wanted bigger tax bases, banks and m0rtgage brokers wanted more fees, wall street needed new revenue stream since commissions were being cut due to advent of internet trading. To keep Real Estate prices high, politicians pressured banks to reduce their standards. The pols said they wanted more folks to have a shot at owning a home but that was a half truth. They really wanted more money to grow budgets. For example Massachusetts budget has increased from 13 billion in 1991 to 29 billion in 2008. New Hampshire's budget has increased from 1 to 6 billion in 8 years. Lots of people were put on payrolls. Each person on payroll has sphere of influence of 14 people, there was the incentive to pay off people who voted for politician. In baseball, the managers, the general managers and owners all benefitted from steroids scandal and looked the other way. Economy likewise. Unfortunately the economy became addicted to growth based on easy money/ credit. Therefore we will now have the greatest economic collapse since 1929. This will lead to economic need to be filled perhaps by the antichrist who will claim he is the Messiah and be granted supernatural power by satan as described by book of revelation. Since we know bible is true. Since we know the next world war is the last as most military experts agree, we can therefore expect to see the rapture of christians to protect them from tribulation consistent with God's unleashing of his wrath historically ( he protects those he calls righteous and we are called righteous just by our faith Praise The Lord). We are called wise - that is those who study prophecy - Daniel in times past was given a preview of the future war between Russia, and Israel and all the nations and was told at the end times, the wise will understand all this, but for now go your own way.

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