Friday, October 10, 2008

Connecticut Succumbs to Queer Lobby Lawsuits

Figures only other place I've lived. America wake up! God will judge America based on how it upholds his laws. Our founding fathers knew nations were judged in this life, people the next. Its God who raises up nations and destroys them. By forgetting that the Bible is the legal foundation of our law as scene in the history of our law from influenced by the Magna Carta, Justinian Code and Alfred the Greats reforms. All were biblically shaped. We have the longest continual constitution because we honored God. God is sovereign. We cannnot be blessed much longer if we continue down this slippery slope of legalizing sinful evil behavior. For sure we have worse sins, so far we have killed 48 million babies in 36 years, an average of 4 thousand a day.

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