Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama lies with lies.

Obama granmother dies....hmmm...what did she know and when did she know it...didn't she say something about him being born in Kenya? It came out today that Obama was conceived in Cuba. Obama wouldn't kill her for political gain would he ? He is big admirer of LBJ a man who killed for power....I know this is third rail of politics but it happens and what do I care I'm guaranteed heaven according to bible. People should know what really happens in America. The media is bought and paid for as previous post says. Obama has never shot a gun and would be only president not to. He will ironically be the most fascist president. All dissent will be banned. SS will be installed. The people who gain power will never be happy. A godless country will be destroyed eventually. America walked away in 1962 Engle v Vitale. Rthink america rethink.

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